Microwave Radios
DMRX ’s UNMATCHED Capabilities

In summary the platform is ideal for telecom operators looking to build a cost-effective and scalable wireless network. With its advanced features, operators can provide high-speed connectivity to end-users, while also improving network efficiency and reducing costs.
Range of Microwave Radios include

DMRIP-200S and DMR400IP-400S
DMR4G-Lite E-Band Digital Radio
The Spectrum DMR4G (ETSI) is an all outdoor, IP radio system operating in the 71-86GHz frequency band with capacities up to 3Gbps using 64QAM modulation.
Supporting both POE and direct DC feed, this compact radio system features carrier- grade Ethernet switch functionality, hitless adaptive rate modulation, and low power consumption.
Applications for a Wide Range of Vertical Markets

DMR-X-ST and
5 GHz PTP bridge, ideal for: Dedicated Access Backhaul Private networks

Switch for IP Radio
(2+0 Aggregation, Load Balancing, E1